Celebrate Small Victories.

Thanks to Steve Gamlin for sharing this post. Join Steve for Motivational Firewood on Yowah Radio Celebrate Small Victories. I should add the word ‘appropriately’ to this article’s title, as I have friends who love to challenge my positive messages with their own...

Are You Feeling Overwhelmed?

Are you feeling overwhelmed? What would you say is causing the feeling? Many blame others for causing the way we feel. If only we could understand that this is not possible. No one can make you feel overwhelmed. The feelings are real, but they come from within not...

What does Success Look like for You?

Thanks to Steve Gamlin for sharing this post. Join Steve for Motivational on Yowah Radio. What does success look like, for you? If you’ve seen ‘experts’ who share their get-rich-quick videos, your mind may be spinning with visions of Lamborghinis, mansions, and...

The Problem with WHY?

Thanks to Laura Toop for sharing this post. Join Laura for Flourish on the 3rd Sunday of each month on Yowah radio at 6 pm UK time.   Why do you feel that way? “Why do you feel that way?” “Why does this happen?” “Why do you blame yourself?” “I don’t know”, “I...

Psychological safety: why making mistakes is good!

Thanks to Russell Harvey The Resilience Coach for sharing this post. Listen to Russell’s Resilience Radio Show every Saturday at 3 pm on Yowah Radio. As babies, human development is all about trial and error. We can’t learn to walk without stumbling; we can’t...