The Power of Conversations

They say that is always good to talk. The conversation may help you change your mind about the way you feel or think about something. The conversation may remind you why you do the things you do. What about your self-talk or your thoughts? What conversations are you...

An invitation to Conversations On The Porch

On July 26th at 7:30 PM UK time we will be recording the next episode of Conversations On The Porch. We will be talking about motivation and Inspiration. Hear more and how you can join us. An invitation to Conversations on the...

The confusion about abundance.

There is a lot of confusion about abundance. Many confuse abundance with the things they acquire, money, cars, houses, and stuff. This is not the case. Abundance is a way of being. A way of seeing the world. “Abundance is not something we acquire. It is...

Celebrate Imperfection

Recently I was a guest on a live Facebook stream and I was asked to bring something with me that inspired me. I brought a wonky carrot. Why the wonky carrot? The wonky carrot is just as tasty and as nutritious as the so-called ‘perfect carrots’ that are...

Celebrate Small Victories.

Thanks to Steve Gamlin for sharing this post. Join Steve for Motivational Firewood on Yowah Radio Celebrate Small Victories. I should add the word ‘appropriately’ to this article’s title, as I have friends who love to challenge my positive messages with their own...